You just jogged my memory Pam. I broke my wrist some years ago, and had to have it pinned, (an overnight stay), and found myself opening up breakfast items (one handed action) for some old people in the ward. I think orderlies are so rushed that all they can do is deliver.
That break was sustained in Adelaide, on friend's property, had to travel all the way back to Canberra, advised to front up to my local hospital ASAP, which I did. There I was told to attend Canberra Hospital the next morning, and that all paperwork would be in place. It wasn't. NOTHING was in place. The intern told me there was nobody to do surgery, (Christmas period) and (direct quote), 'You can go up to ten days without sustaining permanent damage.'
I said that I'd rather not take the risk.
So, I'm sitting in the waiting room, in tears for the first time, and one of the nurses asked what had happened. She shook her head, went off, made a phone call, and came back to tell me a doctor would be in in 15 minutes. Within an hour I was in theater. Should have gone back to thank the nurse. So yes, it happens here too.