Wise Words For A Planet In Crisis

Maria Rattray
5 min readNov 16, 2020

LOVE, the most powerful force there is…

Einstein spruiking Love
Photo by Hannes Richter on Unsplash

Was it Albert Einstein? Maybe it was Margot? Who really did pen that letter “The Universal Force of Love”?

Spoiler Alert: It matters not, as it offers a universal message about our belief in Love’s conquering force.

So how did I stumble upon it?

A few years ago my husband and I spent some time living in Penang, Malaysia. There I met the most beautiful man, who to this day is a very close friend. We share similar concerns about the environment, about materialism, and the lack of care for the planet. The galloping and frightening pace of change from where we were less than three generations ago, to where we are today, we discussed at great length.

When I first struck up a conversation with him I asked about why the tides around the island no longer behaved as they should. His eyes filled with tears and he asked me if I’d been aware of the constant noise around the island. That, he told me, was to do with dredging in preparation for building three islands, the size of Singapore around Penang.

Yesterday he sent me a bank of wildlife photos taken by another expat some years ago. Almost all of the animals have now disappeared from the island. We discussed in great length, how inconsequential we think we…



Maria Rattray

Writer, author, teacher, fun-loving poet. Trying valiantly to make the world a better place. Helping you to guide the future. Find me at: https://ponmyword.com