Who could ever forget that day? The day the world was changed forever. I remember arriving at school. It was clear that something terrible had happened, something I wasn't privy to.
You see, we had a rule in our house and that was, no TV in the mornings, no TV, no news.
But now I knew and in that moment I realized that the world was becoming a threatening place and the fact that this generation of children would be the first to watch war taking place on television, sent a shiver up my spine.
In class, my young students just wanted to re-enact the scenes, the carnage. To seven-year-olds it's all pretty cool, and so I allowed them to...on whiteboards, chalk boards, wherever they wanted to illustrate. I had no energy for teaching. Anything I had planned seemed totally irrelevant.
All I wanted to do was go home and be with my family.
Yes the world was, and is, forever different.
A very thoughtful, truly inspirational post, Tim.