When Homelessness Is A Distant Part Of History, Your Job Will Be Done

Few choose to be homeless, in which case, help them fight the odds

Maria Rattray
3 min readOct 23, 2022
A homeless man with little hope.
Photo by Leroy Skalstad on Unsplash

It was the title of Bebe Nicholson’s last post that grabbed me.

“Why The Homeless Woman in Our Church Will Not Be Coming Back”

And I thought, what has she done — surely they won’t be banning her?

Clever title, Bebe.

A good title is what draws people into a post, and this one did not disappoint.

What had actually happened for one homeless woman, was that she now has a permanent place to live.

However modest, she has a roof over her head, and peace of mind, which, at the end of the day, is just what we all want…except when we want so much more. That’s a trap for the unwary. The more we have, the more we want.

About Bebe’s parishioners

There’s a neat, not-so-little program going on in her church, a movement to provide hope for those without hope, shelter, and anything else they need to be independent.

The fact is, there is a tendency to marginalize homeless people, because it must have been something that they did, or didn’t do.



Maria Rattray

Writer, author, teacher, fun-loving poet. Trying valiantly to make the world a better place. Helping you to guide the future. Find me at: https://ponmyword.com