What a strong, and brave person you are, Kiara. I have no doubt this was hard to write, but it is fodder for all of us who are at the stage in our lives where we do need help.
I was talking to a friend just recently, and we both agreed that, even with lots of money in reserve, nothing can prepare you for all that trips along with age, the ill health, loneliness, etc.
We only have one daughter, and my husband and I do everything NOT, to be a burden on her. She is a lovely individual, but still, she has her own life to lead and that's as it should be.
I'm not ready for the life that you have chosen, but I have a friend who has done so, and she is as happy as Larry. Still the onus is on us to have interests, and maintain friendships as far as possible.
One thing I have noticed is that, when you leave the workforce you very quickly become but a distant memory...a we must catch up, but it rarely happens. So those friendships simply die and we are challenged to find other ones.
There is no doubt it's a hard situation to be in. Good luck. I am sure you will accept the ball that is in your court, and play it well.