What a rat!
Seems small in the whole scheme of things but it's not. You doubled your money.
Imagine had you put $5000 on, and won. That would hurt.
My dad's shop used to be right next to the local railway line and he and a few workers used to put a small amount on the pools (British).
Dad was in charge.
On one occasion they won some money, but Dad had had a huge asthma attack and didn't manage to put it on.
He paid everyone out.
Another 'friend' of mine's husband participated in a Public Service lottery.
They never ever won, but the rule was, if you didn't contribute one week and they won, that was too bad.
Anyway, said friend convinced her partner not to contribute over the number of weeks they were a away, and that's when they won a significant amount of money, $50 thousand each.
Rules are rules.