Try as I may, I cannot get into the minds of such perpetrators of evil.
I am in no way vengeful, but when it comes to these two, and all the others who make life miserable for others (I include the billionaire's club in this), I do hope they pay the price. Having said that, there is no price for such criminality.
But maybe the price in this world is isolation, always looking over your shoulder, wondering who close by has got it in for you. I found this.
"Roman Emperor Domitian is remembered for only one joke. “It’s a terrible thing to be an emperor,” Domitian said, “because everything (one?) thinks your paranoia about being assassinated is groundless—until you’re actually murdered!” Soon after Domitian was assassinated. Extreme vigilance is the essential mood of tyranny, which must inhabit that condition not just first because it is indeed in danger of overthrow and surrounded by enemies but also because it requires its people to be fearful and isolated, therefore conditioned for extreme solutions. President Vladimir Putin is living proof of this conundrum."