Member-only story
Those Knickers Were a Christmas Gift?
Twisted September Drabble Challenge #265
Today’s drabble word is: elastic
Somewhere in the story you must add: the windows were dark
“It was just as well the windows were dark,” Jeanie reflected.
Her Gran’s Christmas presents were a sight to behold, post-war utilitarian knickers that came in two colours, bottle green or beige. Seven pairs each for her and her sister.
Beige was not Jeanie’s colour.
Was it anyone’s colour (give or take octogenarians who morphed into beige… skin, jumpers, and pants)?
Beige seemed to be a right of passage for some of them.
Still she had to wear the damned knickers that night.
She was just about leave home when the elastic gave. The knickers fell to the floor.
This story is roughly based on one of the many post-war tales my mum and her sisters would relate about war times. They were such fun storytellers.
If you’re not already on board with writing drabbles (short, 100-word stories, no more, no less), do yourself a favour. Get stuck in! They are a lot of fun to write but also serve as a lesson in tight…