This is the post I wanted to write, Desiree. There is a huge unfairness in how writers are paid on Medium. There are writers riding on the backs of writers who are riding on the backs of...who make lots of money.
Anything I write takes time. Lots of time. Many articles are curated. Often what I consider my best articles, languish. I've given up trying to work out why.
It's lovely when you are read by your followers and lovely words are spoken. It's validating. But it's not cash in hand. I don't know about you, but we like to eat! I know people say they don't write for the money, but money sure helps, and a fair share of the till could be in order if Medium could scale payments more favorably.
I guess, at the end of the day, writers will be lost, maybe those who are earning eye-watering amounts, or those of us who sit on our backsides for hours trying to craft and research an article.
As always my friend, thank you for a heart-warming rant that may just help all of us. Be well. :)