That was my thought Susan. I have seen some very nice basements and some not so nice. The simpler the better as far as I am concerned.
What I'd be loathe to do, is leave myself without a home, even for a short time, because opportunists abound right now.
I don't know if you have read Jared Brock's 'Surviving Tomorrow'. He paints a gloomy picture of how tomorrow will be, and to be honest I have no reason to doubt him.
As the increasing number of billionaires gradually take over real estate everything, houses trailer parks, offering huge prices that the average Joe simply can't afford, with the grand plan of renting back at grossly inflated prices, my heart sinks for generations to come.
What I see in Australia, is replicated in Britain where my sister lives. Not pretty.
As I told Elizabeth, a satarist on ABC, (non-commercial TV) did a skit on real estate the other night. IT was exactly as Brock had suggested. Scary.