Thanks Chris. I despair of modern medicine.
First do no harm.
What happened to that?
To be honest I don't know how, or why doctors would stay in the medical field. It's all about dolling out more and more pills.
I read a post here yesterday. It was about the big boys behind medicine offering inservicing courses for doctors.
I asked the writer how doctors could possibly find time to do these said courses, not to mention energy.
My GP is constantly chasing her tail.
A friend's daughter a gastroentorologist works into the wee sma' hours, doing paperwork .She has a small child!
I wrote this refection on how I see things some time ago after visiting my GP.
If you have time...
Read up on Dr Sarah Myhill, an English doctor, who was persecuted by those in power, basic ally for her failure to meet her subscribing quotas.