Terrific article. JD. I really hope your protocols work for you.
My cousin was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer and devised his own journey. He's here to tell his story and has written a book about it. Have not read it myself and we live in opposite parts of the world, but I will try to find out about it.
You asked about other treatments for different cancers.
This article is about a scientific treatment for CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukaemia), where people suffering this cancer are still stable and not on medication.
I could try to explain it, but best I send you the link instead.
If you know of anyone this might help you must warn them to be very very vigilant about the olive oil (first pressing, pure oil). These days it is very difficult to get affordable, pure oil because many producers are topping up their oils with cheap industrials n order to make profits.
Make sure you read Marilyn's conversation with me., as well,
Good luck.