Spring Is Just Around The Corner Here In Ozland

It’s now time to gird our loins and decide which part of our errant garden to tackle first

Maria Rattray
3 min readAug 9, 2022
Flowers in the grass against a blue and yellow sky
Photo by Radek Kilijanek on Unsplash

This morning I wrote the title and sub-title above, and then I stopped.

I stopped because I felt a sudden disconnect between what I have been visualizing for my garden, and what I can physically do.

Ours is a garden with promise, but there’s so much to fix.

Are we up for it?

The last time I hauled bricks and railways sleepers around the garden I was some 30 years younger. It was a game. We were fit and able to follow through with our ideas, bleak as the garden was, a garden that had been professionally established and left to run amok.

You would have been hard-pressed to find a self-respecting earthworm anywhere in that quarter acre block.

As we worked in the garden over the next two years we discovered beautiful garden beds we had no idea were there.

Who does that?

Who pours good money into establishing a garden then allows it to become overgrown?

Anyway, it’s a different time, different era now, and though we can still dream and imagine, it’s the hefting that we will have to…



Maria Rattray

Writer, author, teacher, fun-loving poet. Trying valiantly to make the world a better place. Helping you to guide the future. Find me at: https://ponmyword.com