So on earth do I respond to this? Firstly, congratulations! This is a wonderful article, and I want to shout out YES, to everything yourve said.
I don't know where you live, (I'm in Australia), but it's time we all say no to chemicals.
My daughter said to me today, we have lost the art of living IN our planet, being a part of it, and giving, instead of taking. She's right.
She has recently bought a new home and is ripping out the 'geometry' to make her plot a produce garden because she doesn't want to eat tainted food. Yesterday I told friends she was doing it...too much work, they said in unison. And therein lies the problem. I did ask my daughter who was going to eat her produce...anyone who wants it, was her reply.
Keep fighting. Fight for your children. Lord knows, they will need your prayers. And keep writing. One day you will be heard. Somebody has to be a beacon of light. :)