Member-only story
Move A Mountain By First Removing The Rubble
Inspire, forgive, and you can change the world.
‘How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.’ Anne Frank
How can we stand apart from the noise, and think things through before making decisions?
What does it take to think for ourselves, to act with both mind and soul in focus, so that significant change can occur?
Change that might even move mountains.
Let’s have a look at what these might look like.
Just recently I was reflecting on a few situations that have occurred in my life, ones that have impacted me, and reappeared as solutions to problems.
As a teacher
Some years ago, my team was deliberating on innovative ways to introduce ‘Missions’ Week’, an annual occurrence where our students learned about countries where people were less fortunate than most here in Australia.
We had decided to retain the activity that most got them excited, that being that someone on the staff would draw the words MISSIONS’ WEEK with chalk, on the playground, and students would overlay the gigantic writing with gold coins. Then some lucky students would be given the task of counting the amount collected.