Sally I was immediately taken back to a long drought in Canberra where we were plunged into an eerie existence where we feared it would never rain again.
People responded to the advice, only flush if you must. That was hard. But we did it.
We also did the 3-minute shower, and that became our norm.
For the most part, our garden was a native one. We offered no water. Every one of the plants survived, sometimes not well, but we managed later to nurse them back to life.
As for the others, when the heat of the day was gone, I gave them every drop of water I'd scrounged...the water from the buckets in our showers, for instance, the water near any hoses.
It wasn't a nice time. We were fearful to be honest.
It was interesting to see others with their hoses, using every skerrick of their water allocation.
Yes showering very other day wouldn't kill us.
Love your garden.