Most of my actions have not tended to begin with a thought and many of those that did, ended up faring poorly. I was offered a cushy office job when I was 19. It was a good way to save money for my next trip and the office was friendly, even fun. The work was statistical and bored me to tears. I lasted six weeks. Round peg sloshing around those square corners.[reference to an analogy in my (Marcus) essay] No thanks, but a great lesson to carry forward. After that, my thoughts arose from intuitional impulses and energetic frequencies which bypassed mental processes UNTIL I needed my mind to engage with the enactment. This has always been my path. Feeling and then thinking through the activation. I label these movements as heart oriented because many of the directions are unknown until presented. As my intuition gathered strength, it became a power tool and cut to the chase much faster than any amount of critical thinking could do at the onset of a project. This is a very personal path and not one I tout for others, unless they are equally drawn through their heart pulse and inner guidance.