OMG I can so relate to that! What is going on in the world? There IS no customer service.
The other day my husband was trying to get Amazon Books to reinstate my library. We two have a shared account, but all my books had disappeared. Now that sounds like something that would have been the flick of a switch in the good old days. He got one 'consultant' after another, none of whom could solve the problem. Eventually he told them not to bother.
Later that day he got an email from Amazon, apologizing profusely for the problem and asking him to get back inline, which he did. He was then told that it would probably be best if he were to consult with one of the consultants.
In the end he solved it himself. We are now officially American (not Aussies), and we used our nephew's address in America to verify our citizenship.
How can something sooooo simple, be so difficult o change?