Oh the parallels, Charles. I truly felt sorry for the rest of the world because they couldn't possible attain heaven.
I remember the catechism, the charts on the wall that held a record oof those who wet to mass, to communion, or not at all, there for all to see.
I remember my um, a polio victim *though she was no victim) trekking us all to mass on a Sunday morning.
I remember the Ester and Christmas dues being read out, for all to hear. It was a great ruse because families, poor as they were, gave far more than they could afford.
I remember listening to the the amounts of money given and thinking: My dad cannot afford that!
I hate to think what my poor mum did to make sure we all got fed. Somehow we did.
You look at the church today and wonder that you ever believed the fear mongering.
But we did.