Oh Janin, I wish I could believe for a moment that I deserve your accolade. I did love my job, but I wasn't the perfect teacher.
The story of your student resonates with me. When you have a student that just doesn't 'get it', there's always a backstory, and often we just have to exercise patience, take them back to square one, and boom! Things fall into place.
I'm so glad you put the blame back on yourself, because these kids are just hanging out for a lifeline, and we ar IT!
With Brandon I just knew that I had to build him up. All those things they could do at one and two, I wanted all the children to understand that it was their brain at work. Nobody teaches you how to gurgle, or make eye contact. So much of early learning is in response to environment to some extent, but so much more we do for ourselves.
Like I said, I am the drama queen in a classroom. Anything to get students to feel they can do things.
Lovely to meet you, and thank you so much for taking the time to respond so positively. :)