Now I need to stop and consider...I would love to say, I don't buy packaged stuff. but it's not always possible. I despair of that.
So let's think of the little things first....
I only use the washing machine when I have a full load.
I have used the same shopping bags for years and refuse to buy new ones.
We do a lot of walking and shop once a week usinhg our car.
I fix things....Do you remember the book The Borrowers. It's a kids' book, but in it they do all sorts of things, darning being one. Years ago I was reading the book with my class and they asked me what it meant, so I explained and then I told them I'd show them how to do it...GULP! I had to go online to find out how. That has served me well, because I have darned some wool sweaters in recent times. I'm hoping some of those kids are now doing it too. They LOVED it.
I'm re-wilding my garden to improve biodiversity. To that end I have saved all my cardboard to cover my lawn so in spring I can put in a thyme lawn (amongst other things), so I can stop mowing and allow the bees some nourishment.
I recycle all my waste food.
Anything that can be recycled, I do...elastic bands, ribbon, paper.
A friend of mine posted her little girls holding potatoes they had grown from potato eyes. I'd forgotten about that, so I have started experimenting.
Have just planted organic pumpkin seeds and they are all sprouting. We might get lost in them.
As you say, everything adds up, and all we can be is the best example. The younger generation is not so hooked into things environmental, sadly, because I am afraid they will be hurt most.
Have refrained from using heating even though it is cold here, morning and night (autumn) and THAT is hard.
Hope i haven't bored you. :)