Natalie as I said, I see all of this as the tip of the iceberg. Greed is at the heart of it all.
Last week I bought some nuts..$10. That was labelled as 50% off.
This week they were back to their full price, $13.
Of course we know this is illegal, but nobody is policing it, and I think I know why.
The big companies employ services to field their calls. These agencies take your name and number, but you never hear back.
I am comforted by the story of Crassus, a Roman general who treated his people so badly, his motivation, pure greed.
The story said that after his death the people poured molten gold down hos throat, serving as a warning to others.
We may not kill these people, but we have the power and the obligation to walk away from their hideous business practices.
Sometimes it feels so much better to be ordinary.