My mother was a polio victim, though she railed against the idea that she was disabled. To that end she worked tirelessly to be the best at anything she tackled. She was very clever.
But I recall as a teen, her 'running' to catch the bus, and if a particular driver was driving, he would pull away, just as she got near. I so despised that man.
Of course today we wouldn't put up with that sort of behavior.
I read a story the other day about a woman trying to board a bus with a baby and a stroller. Nobody, including the driver, offered to help except for one boy on crutches.
He even squeezed himself along his seat so she could sit down.
They got talking, and she learned about his father having left them and how all he wanted to do was play basketball.
A few days' later the woman's husband turned up at his house, with a basketball and the rest is a beautiful story played out.
The young lad is now a star basket baller.
Kindness is easy.
Being mean? Well I personally don't understand it at all.