Medium Challenge Answer To Ten Questions

Ten-Question Challenge

Maria Rattray
2 min readMar 25, 2023
Now let me think….
Now let me think… Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash
  1. My Favorite Drink: This depends on the time of the day. First thing in the morning would be home-brewed organic coffee with cream…always cream. For a special dinner, a really lovely shiraz.
  2. What is my favourite colour ? Well it used to be pink in the days when I masqueraded as a blonde, but now that I have given in to reality and embraced the greys, strong pastels.
  3. I have written extensively on homelessness, so if I were to win the lottery, much of it would be used to set up small, renovated homes for these people, small because I’d want to do as much good with my money as possible. OR…I might buy one of those coastal all the lights are out homes on the NSW coast and renovate for a few families. That could work well.
  4. Favourite food of all time…is not a cuisine as such, but from the Sharmaine Solomon South East Asian Cookbook. Never in my life have I tasted anything so delicious. If you happen to have the book, do yourself a favor and explore this feast food. It takes time to cook, but it is amazingly delicious. Eat it before you die!

5. Would you give up social media or your cellphone forever: I could easily give up both. They are such thieves of time, and so I use each, sparingly already.



Maria Rattray

Writer, author, teacher, fun-loving poet. Trying valiantly to make the world a better place. Helping you to guide the future. Find me at: