Mary, I have a little tear in my eye. No I don’t. I am blinded by a river of tears. That any writer would take time to craft such a beautiful response, blows my mind.
Thank you. Thank you. I might have to copy it and hang it on my wall for those days when I doubt myself, (there are many!).
The competition to win in schools, to be lauded for a sport that was a nothing more than a gift, never sat well with me. It’s why I had to find a way to build students up, not just in sport, but in any discipline, because that’s what teaching is about.
When writing the post I talked to my husband about my also ran advice to my students. He replied, “You realize that was once a derogatory term?” I didn’t, and am glad I didn’t because I saw the change in demeanour with my students when I hammered home to them that they were an intrinsic part of any exercise.
That I touched your heart means everything to me. That you took time to let me know, means more than words can say.
Thank you once again. And I hope you are enjoying a fabulous weekend. :)