Love it Bebe! It's time we all got down and dirty with these agencies. Just a few weeks ago we stopped our medical insurance with a particular group. We later found out they were still extracting money and the only way we could deal with them was online. We stopped authorising the payments (that was difficult in itself), but still they owed us close to one thousand dollars.
Enter me!!! I am doggedly determined and managed to escalate the problem, let's just say, past first base. That took every fiber of my being. I had to be as determined to win, as they were to keep our money.
'And if you change your mind...' the manager said when he had agreed to refind said money. Huh? Was he SERIOUS? The tactics they employed NOT to listen were mind-blowing.
This kind of attitude doesn't serve them well. People tell others and eventually they go bust, as they deserve to.
The good news is that the money is not back with us.
Now off to check the fine print of everything. :)