InThe Daily Cuppa GrandebyMaria RattrayOne Small Initiative to Save the WorldBecause someone has to take the first stepFeb 2213Feb 2213
InHope, Healing, and HumourbyMaria RattrayOwn Less … Much LessGain time and freedom …and much, much more!Feb 1127Feb 1127
InThe Daily Cuppa GrandebyMaria RattrayWeed or Friend?Depends on who, or when you ask …Feb 615Feb 615
InPragmatic WisdombyMaria RattrayA Gazillion Years Ago We Were Warned About Human Greed and ExcessFifty years ago the Lorax issued his personal message…May 21, 202413May 21, 202413
InThe Daily Cuppa GrandebyMaria RattrayYou Don’t Have to Put Up With Bugs Just Living Their Lives in Your HouseAn annual spray inside and out and you’ll never have another insect problem…other issues maybe, but…May 31, 202418May 31, 202418
InPragmatic WisdombyMaria RattrayThe Natural World Has Always Been Man’s Most Formidable AllyBut now we are charged to fight like lions to protect it and restore it to optimal healthFeb 20, 202413Feb 20, 202413
InPragmatic WisdombyMaria RattrayEducating Patrick On the Subject of Green Washing and Other Environmental ThingsIn his words: All the stuff he had no idea about…Feb 26, 20249Feb 26, 20249
Maria RattrayIn One Cruel Blow Two Young Lives Were Brutally Cut Shortin the midst of living their lives to the fullestMar 30, 202414Mar 30, 202414
InThe Daily Cuppa GrandebyMaria RattrayIt Was Headline News In Australia Folks…A 28-year-old crypto billionaire is building an enviable inner-Melbourne mansion that will have many drooling…whilst our planet spot-fires…Apr 2, 202421Apr 2, 202421
InPragmatic WisdombyMaria RattrayWhen She’s Finished Desecrating Her Beautifully Natural GardenThereafter she might sink her teeth into the fast-disappearing Rainforests, unless…Apr 10, 202413Apr 10, 202413
InPragmatic WisdombyMaria RattrayChanging FAST Fashion To SLOW, at Break-Neck SpeedStanding up against the sleaze and shame of fast fashion by valuing clothes we already have or that someone else no longer wants…Apr 15, 20248Apr 15, 20248
InGood Vibes ClubbyMaria RattrayDiscovering the Daddy-Long-Leg Spider Webs After Your Guests Have Gone…Oops!But now, let me offer some environmentally-sounds ways to keep spiders at bay, so you can be better prepared.Dec 23, 202313Dec 23, 202313
Maria RattrayWhy Your Chicken Could Be Killing YouThe tightly-held rhetoric the chicken industry has been sprouting to trick us into a belief that is, at its best, contentious. Chicken…Jan 10, 20249Jan 10, 20249
InThe Daily Cuppa GrandebyMaria RattrayWhen Star Trek Actor William Shatner Went From Pretending to Visit Space, to Actually Visiting…He experienced an epiphany that saddened him beyond belief. Will we learn from him before it’s too late?Nov 7, 202317Nov 7, 202317
InThe Daily Cuppa GrandebyMaria RattrayDear Kids…Some Things You Need To KnowWhen you were having fun torturing the prime swarm of bees today, all they were doing, was trying to find a homeNov 16, 202316Nov 16, 202316
InThe Daily CuppabyMaria RattrayImagine This, a Zero-Waste Restaurant Serving the Finest of FoodIs it time to endorse this initiative, and demand environmentally-sound standards, even if they don’t get things right first time?Nov 20, 202315Nov 20, 202315
InGood Vibes ClubbyMaria RattrayAn Old English Manor, Set Up Much Like A Unique Retirement Idea We Had Put Together Many Years AgoConsider its appeal today, given that current Real Estate is a runaway horse, and homes for seniors, terrifying to even think aboutNov 23, 202318Nov 23, 202318
InAge of EmpathybyMaria RattrayKintsugi: The Ancient Japanese Art Of Repairing Broken Pottery With Liquid GoldCan you see a life lesson in this art form?Aug 14, 202312Aug 14, 202312