InAge of EmpathybyMaria RattraySomething to Think AboutWhen there’s so much doubt in the worldFeb 2116Feb 2116
InILLUMINATIONbyMaria RattrayWhen Nursing-Home Staff Were Unable to Control a Ninety-Five-Year-Old Resident the Police Were…Just think about that for one moment. Old lady with dementia… a knife in hand, a veritable threat to the boys in blue…May 25, 202329May 25, 202329
InPragmatic WisdombyMaria RattrayHe Was GobsmackedThis deal took price gouging to a whole new level, but might there be yet another agenda?Feb 21, 202411Feb 21, 202411
InPragmatic WisdombyMaria RattrayIs the Law Truly an Ass?Sharing my daughter’s loss in her endeavour to deal fairly with a renter’s problemsFeb 23, 202421Feb 23, 202421
InGood Vibes ClubbyMaria RattrayA Perfectly Less-Than-Ordinary DayWhen suddenly the sun shone fiercely, and the world felt like a very nice placeFeb 24, 202420Feb 24, 202420
InThe Parenting PortalbyMaria RattrayWhen Hugely-Unfair Things Happen in a Family…How can things slip so silently under the radar of fairness?Mar 10, 202415Mar 10, 202415
InThe Daily Cuppa GrandebyMaria RattraySeven Years Ago Today, My Colleague’s Life Changed ForeverShe will never truly heal from the excruciating tragedy that struck without warningMar 27, 202420Mar 27, 202420
InThe Daily Cuppa GrandebyMaria RattrayIt Was Headline News In Australia Folks…A 28-year-old crypto billionaire is building an enviable inner-Melbourne mansion that will have many drooling…whilst our planet spot-fires…Apr 2, 202421Apr 2, 202421
InPragmatic WisdombyMaria RattrayHo! Ho! Ho! You Can Have Christmas Every Day of the Year Thanks to Online ShoppingWhile small-time businesses, once thriving, now fold due to customer scarcity and the sudden weight of lossDec 10, 202314Dec 10, 202314
InHope, Healing, and HumourbyMaria RattrayThe Chairlift Operator’s Failure to Check, Meant Her Life Was Forever ChangedYet she never apportioned blame, typical of the kind human she wasDec 21, 202323Dec 21, 202323
InThe Daily Cuppa GrandebyMaria RattrayChoice Magazine AustraliaThe magazine we subscribed to for years, to help us with costly household purchases. Now it has an interesting other arm.Nov 5, 202319Nov 5, 202319
Maria Rattray‘Schoolies Week’ an Australian Celebration of the End of High SchoolIt’s every parent’s nightmare, for all the right reasonsNov 21, 20236Nov 21, 20236
InThe Daily Cuppa GrandebyMaria RattrayHomeless People, Shafted to the Outer Fringes of Society Because We Humans JudgeGetting to grips with their present situation allows us to behave more compassionately and helpfullyNov 24, 202319Nov 24, 202319
InThe Daily Cuppa GrandebyMaria RattrayWhen You Can See No Way of Getting Rid of Your Crippling DebtWhy not try a stint of creative homelessness? At the same time, open your eyes to the reasons for your debt in the first placeDec 9, 202333Dec 9, 202333
InAge of EmpathybyMaria RattrayIt All Started With the Toothpaste…Suddenly Double the Price But NOW, 50% Off What an Absolute…Time to wake up governments. Demonstrate that you care. People are buckling under the strains of profiteering.Aug 11, 20238Aug 11, 20238
InThe Daily Cuppa GrandebyMaria RattrayIf You Are A Self-Checkout Store CustomerSeriously consider what this will mean for the future of store employees. The warning signs are there right now.Aug 16, 202324Aug 16, 202324
InILLUMINATIONbyMaria RattrayLooking Behind The Curtains of the Leather Industry We Find a Business That Must Clean Up Its Act…For now ethically-crafted fish leather products are rightfully gaining traction and a famous customer baseAug 24, 202330Aug 24, 202330
InILLUMINATIONbyMaria RattrayThe Dark And Troubling Side of a Fashion Industry Bent on Unimaginable ProfitYou too can be a customer if you don’t mind the bad taste in your mouth.Aug 29, 202318Aug 29, 202318
InThe Daily Cuppa GrandebyMaria RattrayAll Hail The Plastic Bowling ‘Lawn’!Let nothing stand in its way, especially the roots of 100 year-old endangered trees. Off with their heads. NOW!Aug 30, 202313Aug 30, 202313
InThe Daily Cuppa GrandebyMaria Rattray‘Uneasy is the Head That Wears The Crown’…Such, is the burden carried by Jeff Bezos, owner of retail giant Amazon as he strives to remain Number One regardless of ethics and human…Sep 1, 202316Sep 1, 202316