Liberty I sent you a private message but given the wealth of messages you get, I should have sent you a public message about a private message.
No worries. Things happen.
It's his birthday today and I've had to send messages to old friends, telling them that he's no longer with us. It will be a shock. One of them is a friend he met at a gym, and through him (his father really) he got his first job, the proviso being he go to university, which he did and then he subsequently did his PhD, so there's terrific history there.
I'm really on the road to healing. Just been out in the garden dealing with huge anemone roots, and wondering why I should be doing this, but I have to, because I want the garden to sing when it goes on the market. That's my plan. Still, it's damned hard work.
Yes a lot of what we talked about I just can't face right now. I'm emotionally spent and feel as if my brain is fried.
The other thing is a am not technologically great and Alistair took care of all of that. I like it, and was resultantly lazy.
But I really had to give myself a slap about things he had routinely done that I now have to do, so not talking about IT ... things like taking apart vacuum sticks, coffee machines and the likes and getting all the components
So far I have amazed myself, so step back for the grand reveal one day - only joking!
I should be toasting him, shouldn't I? I don;t think I'd dare start. 💜💜💜