Kudos to you, Lauren. That's wonderful.
I remember the first time I ran maybe 2 km without stopping. Part of that was up a very steep hill, but I made it and collapsed in a heap when I got home.
The thing is, I never ever stopped after that, even when I was running 10km.
My first marathon was in PNG and that was my litmus test. It was the hardest race I have ever run.
I gave up running some years ago because of the pain in my knees.
Even walking was difficult.
And then I cleaned my pantry of every skerrick of food that had suspicious ingredients .
Within three weeks all pain had gone.
I removed sugar from our diet years ago, and for the most part eat a keto diet.
I no longer have cravings.
Here is one of my favourite sites if you are interested. It was started up by a Swedish doctor Dr. Andreas Eindfeldt. There's so much terrific information there. Of course there are other sites, that are also good, but this one I keep going back to. https://www.dietdoctor.com/