Just a response on obesity, Pam. What we are seeing these days is obesity like no other.
I see enormous people around here, much, much , much fatter than their forebears, and of a shape that no people in history ever were.
In my childhood I simply don't recall fat people.
These days young women are so fat it's hard to imagine their ever turning this around.
All of this is directly related to factory food. Factory food/processed food is scientifically designed to be moreish. The powers that be, hire scientists to design foods that have the right crunch, the right zing, the right amount of sugar. It's irresistible...literally! It's also satiety-altered.
This is no accident. This is all about money, manipulation, and coercion. And people who buy processed food , often the poor, are sucked into the vortex, virtual pawns in their game.
Maintaining weight has little to do with calories in, calories out. It has, however, everything to do with eating unadulterated food which satisfies.
I feel so saddened by what I see. I'm saddened because for the most part, it isn't their fault.