Janice I taught a literacy unit in at our local teaching university. So many students told me they hated reading and writing and didn't want to teach it.
I was a bit shocked, given our whole system relies so heavily on literacy.
So I had to scale down the course to accommodate them, without short-changing the others.
I took a sample of children's books and showed them how one book can be taught right through primary school, meeting different curricular demands, (ranging from kindergarten to year six here in Australia).
I can tell you it was exhausting. I doubt the at-risk students ever developed the confidence to take risks.
So many teachers don't read.
So many were short-changed in the eighties where the laissez faire system of just letting students write with no intervention, was in place. That never made sense to me.
So many of that cohort have no idea of grammar, so few read, yet they are supposed to teach English.
A pleasure to publish. :)