In Ayrshire, very close to the border...Robert Burns' neck of the woods. He wrote many poems in his short life, about that area.
My dad was born in Ireland, but went to Scotland as a little boy. My mum was Scottish from an Irish background.
The story of your NOT sharing re your daughter, then finding all these connections, just doesn't surprise me. We are all more interconnected than not.
Yes I am smiling right now.
Many years ago a Scottish friend, also a teacher, invited us to a BBQ to meet a couple of teachers who had just arrived in Adelaide. Turned out she had gone to the same teachers college as I did. How amazing is that!
Years later they returned to Scotland and she got a job in the same school as my cousin.
Maire, my cousin, said she had a cousin in Adelaide, also a teacher. Would she know her?
"It's a pretty big place," was the reply.
"But she was in the Catholic system too"
So she shared my name with her.
"My goodness, I do know her," she replied. "I went to her wedding."
A small world, Terry.