I remember many years ago. It was my first experience of an Adelaide summer, and so, a friend and I had driven down to the beach. It was seriusly hot.
Of course everyone and his dog was heading to the beach. Car parks were at a premium. Still, I was polite, and waited.
And then I found one! I waited until the driver pulled out, and suddenly an oncoming car was heading straight into my spot.
I was angry, and was just about to take off and go home, but then a policeman tapped the bonnet of my car and told me to wait.
"Out!" he commanded.
"But nothing, buddy," he replied. "'Ive beem watching this young woman waiting patiently. Out, or I book you. Which will it be?"
These boys were so angry, but they skulked away and I was left in awe of a wrong having been rightfully righted.
What that young woman was wrong! It's also the reason I avoid Christmas shopping.