I have to say I was late to the table in believing there actually was a pandemic. I was also extremely critical of the paucity of 'FACTS', on the situation. For instance, really old people dying of Covid, in nursing homes, 95-year-olds and more, when they were actually just pushed over the edge. They already had enough comorbidity problems to sink the Titanic!
We never, ever, got t truth on that one.
When I had my first vaccination it was followed by an intense UTI infection. I was given across-the-counter meds for that one.
When I was due for my second dose, I asked my doctor if it was okay, because the infection hadn't gone away. I was told it would be fine.
BANG! One day later and it was worse than ever. I kept being prescribed over-the-counter meds...which cost me in the end, close to $150.
I found a new doctor, 4 months later, and after discussing my condition with a research doctor I just happened upon, who explained a few things, and literally begged to have antibiotics. He was so reluctant. He agreed to five days only.
Two days later...relief.
So I am not triple-vaxxed. The idea of going ahead with it fills me with dread.
And this man Fauci...from the antipodes he didn't enjoy positive press coverage.