I can see you have put lots of diligence and effort into your article, Silvia, and far be it from me to dispute it.
BUT, whenever I read about the dangers of eating read meat, I go straight back to what to me is one of the most credible resources for health information, that is, The Diet Doctor, originally started up by a group of Swedish doctors, now joined by many other doctors and health journalists.
Here is a post of red meat consumption.
We eat some red meat, but not lots of it, but we also try to buy ethically-sourced, something that is becoming unaffordable.
If you are type 2 diabetic, grains and legumes are off-limits because of the impact they have on insulin levels.
Type2 diabetes patients do well on a keto diet that encourages dairy products such as butter, cheese and yoghurt, as well as olive oil, though you need to know your source regarding olive oil, as many of them are topped up with industrial oils.
It stands to reason though, that the healthier our diet is, the healthier our planet will be.Everything is connected.
Not sure where you are, but in many parts of the world, but not all, the chicken industry is scarily unhealthy, not to mention, cruel beyond belief.
It's very difficult to trust these days. One wonders who is paying the pipers.
Perhaps we will eventually go back to the simple life where we grew our own food in conditions favourable to both the planet and our health. Sigh!