I can relate to so much of this as a teacher, Frances.
Lots, but not all Asian parents set huge expectations on their children. There were no days of rest, no weekend sport, and children at such a tender age were being primed for STEM achievements.
One little boy pleaded with me to ask his parents to back off. I did speak with them but they explained this was Asian culture, that right from birth these children were being primed (for whatever!).
We white parents don't always get it right either.
One family I taught (two girls and one boy) was particularly clever.
The two girls became doctors (one PhD in physiotherapy, the other a GP).
The super-smart boy refused to go to university because he already knew what he wanted to do and he didn't need to go to university to do it.
He is now the CEO of a n IT company.
I'm wondering how he will manage when one of his children refuses tertiary education. I hope he will step back and allow an element of failure, will all doors open for the discussion if necessary.
Loved this essay.