Member-only story
Save Your Cash! You Are Just ‘Passing Through’
The New Slavery, the one we got absorbed into…
Without story, how would we ever learn? Even in the simplest of them we find meaning that transcends time.
I read this story many years ago, yet its meaning holds dear today.
But before I share it, let’s think about how we have become serious consumers, even if we don’t recognize it.
We buy homes far too big for our needs.
We trade up regularly to newer, and perceived better, commodities.
Our wardrobes bulge with clothes.
Children’s bedrooms are awash with toys.
And yet we still we keep adding.
All of this adds up to modern-day slavery, which equates to little more than…..
- Clutter makes us edgy.
- It drains our energy.
- It robs us of time.
- It makes our homes difficult to clean.
- Clutter demands space.
- It can pose danger!
- Clutter builds anxiety.
- It invades our privacy.
- It makes us upset with our kids.