Hi Zara, I didn't edit this but I was sure meant to read it.
Have a look at these two sites.
The Diet Doctor was started by a Swedish doctor Dr Andreas Eendfeldt. It is such an incredible site with a huge amount of information on the ketogenic diet.
Then there''s Canadian doctor. Jason Fung. I don't believe he needs sleep He's such a prolific writer. and researcher.
One the site you can also learn from so many other specialists.
Have a look at intermittent fasting. It's so good for all sorts of things, but generally keeping your weight down by eating only in a certain window.
Fro instance, my husband and I don't eat after 7pm, and don't eat again until maybe 10 or 11, which is at least a 15-hour fast. We never eat breakfast.
If you go on a real food regime, eliminating all processed foods, you will not only drop the weight easily, but your energy levels will soar.
I know two people who have gone under the knife. Both put the weight back on.
And given that you are a chocoholic, you can have some through recipes on the site.
But the thing is this. Because you are eating REAL food, you don't need to have snacks.:)