Hi Sherry, yes the food industry did a great job of scaring us regarding food.
I do remember the ads about butter and saturated fat, but my mother never made the leap to margarine,so it was always butter.
As an adult it made sense that things that had so many foreign ingredients couldn't possibly be good for us.
Was talking to another writer there about the 'I can't believe it's not butter' ad. She said she used to say, 'I can't believe that you can't believe it's not butter'.
Have a look at this YouTube by Dr Jason Fung. i love his work and he, and Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt, founder of Diet Doctor, are my go to people for much of my information.
Like you, I wasn't sure. Like I said, the pundits have done a great job of convincing us that their way is the healthy way.
Now I know better. I'm lucky, in that so far, I haven't had any serious health issues, but my family did, and I couldn't get any credible answers from the medical fraternity. Mind you, most doctors are overworked and the pill protocol is the one they are most familiar with.No prizes for guessing why.
After a lot of research, and finding doctors who cared enough to listen, we tentatively embraced the keto diet. We have been doing this for at lest seven years.
Somewhere I talked about a New Zealand man who , in his eighties, tossed his pills aside and embraced keto. He's never felt better.
The teacher I talked about was a sugar addict. I remember one year when she won a gigantic basket of chocolate goodies t the school fete.
Now the average person would have shared these around with the staff. She kept every one of them.
She loved everything that is off-limits on the keto diet. Trouble is, but for her epilepsy, she is untouched by the junk she eats and remains slender. ost of us get a wake-up call.