Hi Roman, biases aside, might I refer you to the work of Dr. Jason Fung? He has written very convincingly on the low-carb diet.
Also Dr Andreas Eindfeldt who established The Diet Doctor, is worth checking out.
The calories in calories out notion, just does not stack up. I know many people who can eat inordinate amounts of carbs and remain reed thin.
Other only have to look at bread and the weight stacks on.
Journalist Gary Taubes is an interesting read. https://garytaubes.com
Type 2 diabetes patients do wonderfully on the low carb diet, many of them putting the disease into remission.
A friend of mine, a diabetic, moved himself to the country, grew most of his own food, and over time, managed to ditch his medication.
I think if all we were to do is remove all manufactured food, we'd all be slimmer and more healthy. But that's not what the pundits want. :)