Hi Olivia, what a dreadful diagnosis. Interesting that you got it when you you had been at sea. My immediate thought was, how did they feed you at sea. We are very much what we eat, I believe.
My first thought was to consult The Diet Doctor. They are my go-to for many things, such credible doctors. I hope you don't mind my sharing the link. I have also been reading another interesting doctor recently, but I wont share her right now.
The idea of spending your life on such awful medication scares the living day lights out of me.
For clarity, I was a serious distance runner and had to give up because of my incredible knee pain. I then cleared all non-foods from my pantry, ate only natural foods, organic where possible, and three weeks later I had no pain. It has never returned. Anyway, here's the link. Would love to know what your thoughts are.