Hi Doran - It's an interesing perspective .I eat mostly keto, but there are things that I just have to have, on occasions, like bananas, Walker's Scottish shortbread (the only buscuits I succumb to), and sourdough bread. So I treat myself now and again.
If I go out, I ditch keto. Like you i don't HAVE to be on keto, but my husband does, and so, it's a choice I make.
We had sourdough bread over the weekend and it was a fabulous treat. But then this morning I made keto rolls which taste and behave just like a regular roll, and with that we had bacon and eggs and smashed avocoado open burgers. It felt sinful, and that made it all the more enjoyable.
I never ever will go back to using suger at home. If someone serves me some in a dish, I can wear that.
Keto ceratainly offers hope to people with chronic diseases, and I think that taking a scenic trip now and again, is absolutely fine.