Hi Charles, you are absolutely correct. Until a few years ago we had a car window cleaner who set up every day in one of the week in one of Canberra's busiest streets. He was politely spoken and friendly. On occasions, when waiting at the traffic lights, he'd tap my window, and I'd have to refuse his offer because I'd either run out of change in my coin box, but had also left my bag in the boot. 'No worries,' he'd say. 'I'll clean it anyway,' which he did. Then he''d tap on the bonnet, flash a big smile and that would be it until we met once again.
I always wondered about him, so well-spoken, friendly,, kind, and giving, I knew he had a story.
Then one morning I read of his death in the news. I also learned that his parents were top Public Servants. We can only speculate on why he ended up as he did.
Not long after I read in the obituaries - Chris would have been 21 today. Would have been....made me go back and check. This was a lad, the same age as my daughter, who had attended the best private school in Canberra. It's where he started to dabble, and ultimately overdose. You learn NEVER to pass judgement, for you never can tell.