Hi Brian, I couched that very badly. And like you said, I should and will go back and fix it up. Here is the background to that. Although we as a group had run the distance in the lead up to the marathon, I hadn't actually run the first five Km which was in darkness. (4am start!). So what I saw, were these men jumping out of the van their beautiful white teeth showing and it was a spontaneous reaction. Had i been white men, I assure you my reaction would probably have been the same.
It truly bothers me that he color of your skin often determines how you are treated, and that is so wrong. How arrogant we white people are...and yet, the truth is, many of us are not arrogant. Many of us stand tall with (I HATE this term!), people of color.
I have taught many students over the years, refugees in particular, and not once have I encountered children being racist towards each other. It comes from adults and yes, people like you are treated badly for it.
Thanks for taking the time to respond so meaningfully to my story. I am sorry if I offended you. That was never my intent. It was more about highlighting the rookie I was on that occasion. Lovely to meet you. :)