Hi Barbara...there's a lot of great evidenced-based info on keto. If you go onto The Diet Doctor, a Swedish group, you can learn lots, not that I am suggesting your cant learn lots from Rob! For me, I just steer away from anything processed, I eat very little in the way of fruit, and I suppose I'd say we are mostly keto. Our vegetables are as green as I can find, and we're in the process of building our own vegetable garden.
We're enjoying a glut of avos here in Australia, so we eat lots of them...loaded with fat, they are so good for you!
Rob is male, and it seems to me that males are more into meat than women, so I will say here that I like to experiment with food, simply because I do love what looks like 'normal' food. If you came to our home you would notice little difference between your food and mine.
I do huge amount of research on food and additives, and I have learned to steer clear of additives whose origins I don't trust.
Even if you don't put a name to the dietary protocol you follow, just eliminating crappy food HAS to stand you in good stead.
If you are interested, I can send you a post I wrote on a New Zealand man whose days were surely numbered. You should see him now.
And by the way, peeking is allowed on Medium!