Haimish thank you.
I'm sorry you went through such pain. It's hard at the time, but then something clicks in your psyche, and you realize you are still alive, still standing, and life is going on despite your loss.
And you find you have healed.
It happened to us too. It was damned hard. It was even harder because we couldn't talk about it. We made lots of mistakes.
It certainly changed our lives at the time, but we are grateful for so much.
Bill died a couple of years ago. He had Parkinson's, but he lived a great life. He and his wife , who;s still alive, were not wealthy but they were of the stock that I love, sincere and generous.
Oh gosh...isn't than an obscene amount of money for a bottle of red!!! We've enjoyed lots of lovely wines. Now we enjoy bargains. Alistair's pretty good at sourcing them.
And thanks for the Friend of Medium info. Of course it didn't work for us, but we did get help from the help desk, and just ten minutes ago, we joined.
Great to hear from you as always, Haimish. :)