Great story Val. The teachers in my school never did yard duty. Don't think it was even a thing.
I remember my cousin Teresa organising a fight between me and big Maggie O'Rourke. Trouble was I didn't know anything about fighting. Again, it wasn't a thing at my Catholic school
The other issue was she, Maggie, was a huge, not very bright girl, and I was small!
The next day we were hauled before the headmaster and the teacher. I explained that Teresa had organized the fight. "Teresa wouldn't do that,' was the response.
Gosh I was so sick of that. Those teachers couldn't see beyond their noses. Teresa was nasty!
She was a prize bitch. She too was not very bright, but pretty as a picture.
She never was nasty again, because her mum was told...her mum was really my mother's aunt ad such a lovely woman. Don't know what happened at home,but as I said, from then on she picked on others.