Fran I echo everything you have just written.
All of this scares the living daylights from me.
I remember when donating blood, the nurse tossed her disposable gloves in the bin. I asked could I take them home, given it was my blood, if any, that would be on them, but the answer was no.
Last year I wrote this.
“When the gavel came down on the resolution to end plastic pollution at the resumed fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2) in Nairobi last March, there were hugs and tears among the delegates. The emotion reflected the importance of this historic milestone: a legally binding global instrument toward ending plastic pollution.”
Let’s just re-read this statement: a legally binding global instrument toward ending plastic pollution.”
“Crucially, the resolution addresses the full life cycle of plastic, a holistic approach necessary to tackle the growing plastic pollution crisis.”
But I see no evidence of change in the plastics industry.
Where is the re-use?
Imagine plastics never becoming waste?
That was the grand agreement.
We have such a problem in our hands.
Where to start?
How to promote courage and determination?
I don't feel very hopeful.