Eko, terrific post. I wrote an article that touches on all you say.
One day one of my students came to tell me that Brandon, his friend felt he was stupid.
"Why's that?" I asked.
"You know...because he can't read all that well."
Anyway, to cut a long story short, I called the class to the floor to have the chat.
We talked about talents they had, or didn't have, about how they were only a few years old and yet look at all the things they could do.
I used every bit of acting 'talent' that I had, praising the mathematicians, the writers,the sports people, the artists etc etc.
We talked about how they weren't born able to walk, talk, smile, crawl...yet somehow they had all mastered it.
You get my point. In the end they were al congratulating the genius in each other, and Brandon? Well his friend who'd confided in me, a really smart young lad, was forever affirming him.
These days Brandon has a successful business, and quietly confident.
You are right. We are paid for one job as teachers, but we a forever have our eye on the ball to ensure we are filling in the gaps we don't necessarily see at first.
I wish my daughter had had a teacher just like you. :)